Choose to be Curious

Curiosity’s Part in Theater Arts

“As a performer, we’re conditioned to be curious about the human condition…it’s the foundation of our creativity.” ~ Stan Kang

Listen to Choose to be Curious #67: Curiosity’s Part in Theater Arts with Stan Kang

Stan didn’t know me when he walked into the studio and I didn’t know him, not really, but I had known and appreciated his work with Educational Theatre Company on many levels, and for many years. It is a special joy of this enterprise that I have these opportunities to talk with — and thank — the many people who have touched my life over the years. It is just one more way that Arlington Independent Media contributes to my life and, I hope, yours.

Here at AIM we’ll be celebrating our third anniversary in a few weeks. If you like what you hear, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to AIM at Thank you!*

Maya Angelou wrote “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Educational Theatre Company and theater programs all over the country help us tell and hear one another’s stories. I as thrilled when ETC veteran Lily Pond took me up on my invitation to speak to what she’s gained by listening to and sharing stories through theater…

Listen to Curiosity to Go, Ep. 40: All the World’s a Stage

Learn more about Educational Theatre Company.

Music in today’s Curiosity to Go segment: “Mind Body Mind” by Body Tonic from Blue Dot Sessions.

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*Any purchase from the Choose to be Curious shop also supports AIM. Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Why not help loved ones put curiosity front and center?!

Dahl - And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic w