Choose to be Curious

Curiosity & Helping Each Other

We return to empathy this week, with Kellen MacBeth, a management consultant with a clear humanitarian bent, whose Facebook group “Arlington Neighbors Helping Each Other Through COVID-19” earned 2,000 members on its very first day back in March, and has grown to more than 12,000 strong since. 

A conversation built around the caring question, “How might I…?”

Listen to Choose to be Curious #133: Curiosity & Helping Each Other, with Kellen MacBeth

Check out Arlington Neighbors Helping Each Other Through COVID-19 on Facebook.

Theme music by Sean Balick; “Shift of Currents” by Aeronaut, via Blue Dot Sessions

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Choose to be Curious

COVID & the Consequences of Incuriosity

“In certain ways, it taught me that you could change the world by being a little bit curious about this strange trickle of data that’s coming out.” ~ Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding

HYPOTHESIS: We’re in this pandemic pickle because some pivotal people in power were incurious about COVID.

Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding — known to my fellow Arlingtonians as a neighbor and friend, and across the nation as an epidemiologist and senior fellow at the Federation of American Scientists – was an early voice raising the alarm about COVID back in January 2020. He considers my hypothesis and the catastrophic consequences of incuriosity.

Listen to Choose to be Curious #131: COVID & the Consequences of Incuriosity, with Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding.

This week my host radio station, WERA 96.7 FM, turns five! Help us celebrate the milestone and show you value independent media, with a tax-deductible contribution to Arlington Independent Media. Thank you!

Many thanks to my esteemed and very busy guest Eric Feigl-Ding, find him on Twitter at @DrEricDing.

Our theme and other music is by Sean Balick

You can subscribe to Choose to be Curious on Apple Podcasts/ iTunes and Stitcher.

Check out the Choose to be Curious shop! All purchases support Arlington Independent Media. Please also consider making a donation at