Choose to be Curious

The Human Library

“All you need is courage and curiosity.” ~ Ronni Abergel

What if there was a way to help people meet and talk with others whose lives are very different (or not!) from their own?

The Human Library does just that, by creating a safe space for dialogue, an opportunity for challenging stigma and stereotypes, and the chance to “unjudge” someone. 

Co-founder and CEO Ronni Abergel joins me to talk about “publishing” people as “open books.” Others come to the library as “readers.” And then the magic happens.

“Allow yourself to be curious, and allow yourself to ask the questions that your parents always said, ‘You can’t ask that,’ because in this space you can. If you are respectful and sincere about the question, please ask the question. Our books would love to answer it. They want to help you understand who they are and where they come from.”

Listen to Choose to be Curious #185: The Human Library, with Ronni Abergel

Visit the Human Library online – and look for a Library event near you! 

Check out Joe Keohane’s writing and The Power of Strangers.

Theme music by Sean Balick; “Come As You Are” by Cauldron via Blue Dot Sessions.

You can subscribe to Choose to be Curious on iTunes and Stitcher.

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Choose to be Curious

Curiosity in Apes

“Everything that is engaging, that has a social component to it, will just evoke more and more curiosity.” ~ Sofia Forss

Sofia Forss is an evolutionary biologist at the University of Zurich, specializing in comparative cognition and animal behavior. She’s curious about how curiosity shows up in apes. 

A fascinating discussion about curiosity and the influence of others, upbringing, and perceptions of risk. What might these findings suggest for apes’ close cousins, we humans? I was surprised and intrigued over and over in this conversation. I think you will be as well.

This was an eye-opener, and a turning-point for us, because we realized: Oh! it’s not that you go out there and explore just because something is suspicious and cool and colorful. No — there are rules to this — how a species evolved when you should be curious and when not.

Listen to Choose to be Curious #184: Curiosity in Apes, with Sofia Forss

Learn more about Sofia Forss’ work and her lab at — & check out this video! (Credit: Luc Quarles) 

Read Sofia’s paper: The Curious Case of Great Ape Curiosity and How It Is Shaped by Sociality.

Congratulations to Sofia and Dr. Elisa Bandini for winning this year’s Early Career Award from the Einstein Foundation for promoting quality in research. The Award of €100,000 goes to support their Ape Research Index project.

See what the Social Curiosity workshop had to offer. Kudos to The Psychology of Language Department at the University of Göttingen and the Social Learning Lab at Stanford University for the great program. Totally worth the early mornings!

Listen to my episode about curiosity at the National Zoo here

Theme music by Sean Balick; ”Trivial Call” by Bayou Birds via Blue Dot Sessions.

You can subscribe to Choose to be Curious on iTunes and Stitcher.

Check out the Choose to be Curious shop

Choose to be Curious

Curiosity & Geocaching Goodness

“If you change your point of view, you will see something new.” ~ Dad

Do you like a good scavenger hunt? Love the thrill of discovering new places? That’s your curiosity calling!

Wait ’til you hear about geocaching, a GPS-driven treasure hunt game for the 21st century. 

Sonny Portacio hosts The Podcacher Podcast, a hit variety show all about “geocaching goodness” that he and his wife Sandy have been sharing since 2005. Who better to talk about curiosity and geocaching?

Right there is the first level of curiosity, asking “What is this about?” And then I remember finding my first cache and thinking, “How cool!”

Listen to Choose to be Curious #183: Curiosity & Geocaching Goodness, with Sonny Portacio

Catch Sonny and Sandy and The Podcacher Podcast right here.

Want to know more about geocaching? Geocaching HQ has you covered. There are lots of local groups as well; a special shout-out to the good folks at NoVaGO (Northern Virginia Geocaching Organization), who helped get me started in the game!

Our theme music is by Sean Balick. “Slate Tracker” By Glacier Quarter via Blue Dot Sessions.

You can subscribe to Choose to be Curious on iTunesStitcher and SoundCloud.

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