Choose to be Curious

Curiosity, Creativity, Science & Art

“The experiment I am living right now is: can you use that storytelling of science in art, to give it extra dimension, with the goal of inducing…people to explore and learn…to be more curious?” ~ Soren Meibom

Soren Meibom, scientist turned visual artist, situates himself at the intersection of curiosity, creativity, art and science. His work blends the techniques of visual arts with the tools of science: data, formulae, charts, and graphs…. His unique combination – what he calls “SciArt” – seeks to trigger our curiosity and ignite our joy of discovery.

Now that I have realized the existence of curiosity [in myself}, I am starting to learn how complicated a topic it is and I am thinking deliberately about how I can call [it] forth.

Listen to Choose to be Curious #215: Curiosity, Creativity, Science & Art: “Sci Art” with Soren Meibom

Soren, the highly-educated professional astrophysicist, has only recently come to think of himself as curious. I think he’s not alone in this regard, so I appreciate his willingness to articulate his emerging appreciation of what curiosity offers him — and the rest of us. Now, he’s off working to use this combination of art and science can help unleash curiosity in all of us. 

Pretty cool.

Check out Soren Meibom:

Soren is artist in residence with the Global Curiosity Institute, working with founder and CEO Stefaan van Hooydonk. I had a great conversation with Stefaan about diagnosing curiosity in the workplace.

Want to learn more about the Center on Longevity and that New Life Map? Check them out here.

I really enjoyed and learned a great deal about storytelling (of all sorts…) from George Saunders‘ book A Swim in a Pond in the Rain. Passage used with permission of the author.

Hungry for more on curiosity, creativity and art? Try these from the C2BC archive: AJ Smith on CreativityRebecca Kamen on Curiosity, Creativity & Dyslexia and Reimagining Scientific Discovery;  Andi Cullins on Blending & Normalizing; Crys Matthews on the Courage of our Questions; Bryan Jernigan on Curiosity & ColorErin Foreman-Murray on Dance and Embodied Curiosity.

Theme music by Sean Balick; “Celestial Navigation” by Aeronaut, via Blue Dot Sessions.

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